Saturday, October 25, 2008

Casa delle farfalle (House of the butterflies)

I made an excursion to mount Etna, but before we went there, we made a stop at the "Casa delle farfalle" (House of the butterflies). It's a big greenhouse with many plantas and flowers, with controlled temperature and humidity, where the butterflies can fly around.

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More butterflies...

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And more butterflies...

This blue one is a Morpho from Amazonia
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And still more butterflies

As you can see, they also have fruit for food.

This photo is not a good one. It didn't stay still! However, it has very beautiful colours so I think it's still worth posting it.
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A confident butterfly

This one came and stood on my arm after I tried unsuccesfully to take a picture of it. But then it stayed for quite a long time... at least enough for the excursion guide to take the pictures.

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